Our Lady of Fatima--St. Maurice--St. Anthony

Knights of Columbus


Fr. Michael J. McGivney, 1852-1890


The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization.  Founded by the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882, it was named in honor of the mariner, Christopher Columbus.  Originally serving as a mutual benefit society to low-income immigrant Catholics, it developed into a fraternal benefit society dedicated to providing charitable services, promoting Catholic education and actively defending Catholicism in various nations including the United States, Canada, Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, Guam, Cuba, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, and Saipan.


Our Lady of Fatima Knights of Columbus

Council #4850


Grand Knight:  Todd Garnier

Phone: 306-452-7203

 Email: todd.garnier@cpsagu.ca

Our Lady of Fatima KC Council meets regularly in general assembly on the 4th Thursday of the month, beginning with 7:30 p.m. Mass



KC Supreme Council